Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Soccer...

Oh spring soccer-how I really don't like you! After sitting in the cold wet rain tonight I remember why I did not care for soccer last year! Oh well we are having fun making new friends and catching up with some old ones! We have met a fun friend, she has 3 kids and all our kids are the same age! We were talking and have decided that Marshal and Haydyn are full of it and that they should get married and have a dozen kids just like both of them!

yes we took umbrellas to keep the rain off of us-they were BOTH broken within the first 5 minutes! Love those kids:) At least they were having a BALL playing together!

Mason was playing so good-he was AWESOME! He has his ashma right now so he was coughing a lot-but he is a trooper! And so is Abbie-she was hanging out in the stroller, but eventually had enough of that-so then she sat on grandmas lap and totally watched her big brother play the game! So fetching cute-she had her eyes on the game the entire time!

So if it means that we have to fight the cold and the rain to watch Mason play soccer and to chit chat with new and old friends-then that is what we are going to do!


  1. Amie! I love your blog, it is so cute! Your family is adorable. haha i loved this post! Yeah for soccer. My poor mom and dad went through years of sitting in bad weather at my games! Lucky for you it just started. :)

  2. YAY! I LOVE that you are a blogger! That's the best! I need to get some soccer pics for a post! I love the pics you took! And yes - Haydyn and Marshall really should marry each other! LOL! We'd love watching them raise little hellions of their own! our blog is...

  3. Looks like a little chilly to me! We'll be joining the soccer garb this next fall. Maybe we'll see you there!
