Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"NEW" Tradition:)

So Mike had the day off, for some Holiday and we decided that we would go for a family ride to the mountains. We decided to take a long some pumpkins and balloons...for what? We also took along some BB guns and 22's and a 357 and 410. (all guns) So we headed out for our ride and ended up by East Caynon. We pulled off and Mike and the boys set the pumpkins up while I blew the balloons up...then we got the guns out and had ourselves a fun little shoot out! We had so much fun shooting the pumpkins and the balloons. This will definatly be a tradition for every year:)yes...even Abbie got into the whole fun!

1 comment:

  1. You have such a fun, cute family! I love the things you guys do! So cute! I think i will steal some of your traditions for my future family-which will be in like 10 years! lol! So fun! And I love the pictures of Abby with the tomato soup on her face! haha!
